#92. Dad, how much debt do Canadian households owe?By / The level of consumer debt in Canada has been increasing for the past 30 years. Canadian households owe more than $2 trillion dollars collectively.
#41. Dad, should I repay the highest interest rate debt first? Debt, Money, Motivation / By Tackle smaller balances first. This builds momentum and there are psychological reward to doing it this way.
#56. Dad, what is the quote from the movie “Fight Club” you mention when speaking about materialism? Delayed Gratification, Habits, Lifestyle, Minimalism, Money, Simplicity, Spending / By “The things you own end up owning you”. Materialism, by and large, is a psychological trap. No matter how much […]
#185. Dad, does spending less equate to less joy? Credit Card, Debt, Money, Simplicity / By On the contrary, spending less brings more joy.
#36. Dad, tell me why holiday traditions are so financially stressful? BLOG, Debt, Generosity, Simplicity / By We don’t have to continue holiday traditions that leave us overwhelmed, broke and tired. Traditions should not detract from the […]
#182. Dad, should I finance my used car? Debt, Financial Freedom, Money / By Don’t finance things that go down in value
#31. Dad, may I buy anything I desire? Debt, Decisions, Money, Spending / By Yes. You can buy anything you desire – as long as you have saved for it first.