#91. Dad, what is a credit card?By / A credit card is money that does not belong to you. It is not free, and the longer you take to pay it off, the more it costs you.
#298. Dad, why can I always not get what I want? Delayed Gratification, Time / By Sometimes not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck.
#92. Dad, how much debt do Canadian households owe? Debt, Money, Spending / By The level of consumer debt in Canada has been increasing for the past 30 years. Canadian households owe more than […]
#90. Dad, what is ingratitude? Gratitude, Happiness, Money, Time / By Ingratitude is when money only flows inward and never outward.
#182. Dad, should I finance my used car? Debt, Financial Freedom, Money / By Don’t finance things that go down in value
#45. Dad, is money a valuable goal? Life Advice, Money / By Money should never be the goal. Money is a tool to help you accomplish your goals.
#99. Dad, what is the frivolous purchase threshold? Debt, Delayed Gratification, Habits, Lifestyle / By If you ever wonder where your money went to at the end of the month, it is probably hidden in […]