#91. Dad, what is a credit card?By / A credit card is money that does not belong to you. It is not free, and the longer you take to pay it off, the more it costs you.
#58. Dad, how do most adults rate their financial literacy skills? Debt, Financial Freedom, Life Advice, Money / By More than 60% of adults rate their financial knowledge as “fair” or “poor”.
#203. Dad, what is the debt snowball method? Credit Card, Debt, Financial Freedom, Minimalism, Money / By DAD: This method helps you to pay off debts with the smallest amount owed first.
#28. Dad, what is delayed gratification? Debt, Delayed Gratification, Simplicity, Spending / By Giving up temptation for long term benefit.
#80. Dad, what is the happiness fund? Happiness, Money, Simplicity, Spending / By Treat yourself if it brings you happiness. Enjoy your money with moderation. Balance is the key.
#86. Dad, do I have to spend a lot of money to be content? Gratitude, Happiness, Lifestyle, Money, Simplicity / By You don’t need to get out of the city to feel calm. You don’t need a gym membership to push […]
#41. Dad, should I repay the highest interest rate debt first? Debt, Money, Motivation / By Tackle smaller balances first. This builds momentum and there are psychological reward to doing it this way.