#193. Dad, are smart people financially wealthy?By / There is no correlation between high levels of intelligence and high levels of financial wealth.
#292. Dad, I am pretty hard on myself when I fail. Fear, Resilience, Success / By It’s interesting that when others fail, we admire them for trying. Yet, when we fail, we beat ourselves up.
#190. Dad, sometimes I take the easy way out Decisions, Delayed Gratification, Habits, Success / By Whenever you take the easy way in favour of what’s right, you slowly destroy your character.
#263. Dad, I have difficulty saying “No” Habits, Motivation, Success / By When you say “NO”, you are saving space for “YES”.
#214. Dad, some days are so hard Character, Decisions, Delayed Gratification, Minimalism, Purpose, Resilience, Simplicity, Success / By DAD: Your track record for getting through hard days is 100% so far.
#110. Dad, give me money advice in ten words or less. Debt, Financial Freedom, Purpose / By Be mindful of how you spend money
#87. Dad, what is a financially mature adult? Accountability, Delayed Gratification, Financial Freedom, Money, Values / By Somebody who has insight into the possible consequences of money decisions and the impact on their family and long term […]