#76. Dad, should I start to invest? Happiness, Minimalism, Money / By Start by investing in your personal development and become an expert in one thing.
#96. What is #2 rule of money? Life Advice, Money, Spending / By Strive to save 10 to 20 percent of your monthly income.
#25. Dad, what is the key to early retirement? Debt, Delayed Gratification, Financial Freedom, Money, Simplicity, Spending / By The key to early retirement lies with savings, not income – regardless of how much money you make.
#66. Dad, what do you expect to achieve each day? Happiness, Humble, Life Advice, Purpose, Values, Wisdom / By Each day I plan to live a little better, love a little bigger and breathe a little easier.
#270. Dad, who should I have as a mentor? Character, Leadership, Values / By Somebody you can trust, has high integrity and has reliable judgement.
#359. Dad, how do I achieve my goals and focus on my values? Decisions, Humble, Purpose, Values, Wisdom / By You have to do both. Otherwise, your goals will not have any value.