#102. Dad, does having more stuff equal happiness?By / Material items do not always equal happiness. Sometimes they just add stress and debt.
#66. Dad, what do you expect to achieve each day? Happiness, Humble, Life Advice, Purpose, Values, Wisdom / By Each day I plan to live a little better, love a little bigger and breathe a little easier.
#273. Dad, what are the origins of “Trick or Treat? Happiness / By It started with the Scottish Halloween custom of “guising”. Children disguised in costumes and went from house to house for […]
#60. Dad, what percentage of items would you replace if you lost everything in a fire? Gratitude, Happiness, Minimalism, Simplicity / By Definitely less than 100%. We all have way too much stuff.
#392. Dad , what are anti-goals? Decisions, Habits, Happiness, Peace, Purpose, Self Esteem, Success, Values, Wisdom / By This idea originated from Stoic philosophers. Instead of focusing on what you want to achieve, focus on what you want […]
#412. Dad, tell me about famous vs unnoticed Authentic, Gratitude, Happiness, Humble, Lifestyle, Minimalism, Peace, Purpose, Spending, Time / By We are drawn to famous events and places, assuming they will be more delightful. Reading novel in the garden can […]
#197. Dad, where do I find happiness? Happiness / By Most of our happiness comes from within: silence, solitude and being thankful for what we have, is a good start.