#113. Dad, what is progress?By / Progress is any action that moves you in the direction of becoming a better, kinder human being.
#355.Dad, which people do you admire most? Covid19, Generosity, Humble, Kindness, Love, Wisdom / By The people I admire most are kind and generous and do what they can to make others feel truly seen.
#338. Dad, why do some people avoid happiness? Gratitude, Happiness / By Some people avoid happiness because they fail to be grateful for the little things.
#237. Dad, it is so tempting to buy stuff Delayed Gratification, Happiness, Life Advice, Simplicity, Time / By DAD: Advertisers trick you into wanting stuff. Ignore the noise.
#131. Dad, is the grass actually greener on the other side? Gratitude, Happiness, Life Advice, Purpose, Simplicity / By Who cares what colour the grass is on the other side. Live in the moment and embrace the present.
#417. Dad, how do I build mental endurance? Courage, Habits, Kindness, Resilience, Self Esteem, Wisdom / By The drive to persevere is something some are born with, but it’s also a muscle everyone can learn to flex.
#197. Dad, where do I find happiness? Happiness / By Most of our happiness comes from within: silence, solitude and being thankful for what we have, is a good start.