#332. Dad, what does “living slow” mean?By / Living slow means listening to your body and giving it the rest it deserves. It means refusing to reach a level of exhaustion.
#90. Dad, what is ingratitude? Gratitude, Happiness, Money, Time / By Ingratitude is when money only flows inward and never outward.
#188. Dad, sometimes I really move fast and get lots done Decisions, Lifestyle, Motivation, Purpose / By It doesn’t matter how fast you move as long you are moving in a worthwhile direction.
#198. Dad, how do I enjoy most of my day? Gratitude, Happiness, Peace / By It is not realistic to enjoy every part of your day. Just enjoy the small moments.
#414. Dad, what do you mean by “hoarding life”. Authentic, Delayed Gratification, Fear, Gratitude, Happiness, Peace, Self Esteem, Simplicity, Success, Wisdom / By Spending your days trying to get experiences “under your belt”, in an effort to maximise your collection of experiences. Placing […]
#32. Dad, what is “Black Friday” Credit Card, Delayed Gratification, Financial Freedom, Minimalism, Money, Simplicity / By Sadly, “Black Friday” is the day we trample people for things we don’t need, the day after being thankful for […]
#60. Dad, what percentage of items would you replace if you lost everything in a fire? Gratitude, Happiness, Minimalism, Simplicity / By Definitely less than 100%. We all have way too much stuff.