#207. Dad, what is the “ten second” rule?By / DAD: Any time you are about to spend money, count to ten slowly and consider how this purchase may impact your life.
#76. Dad, should I start to invest? Happiness, Minimalism, Money / By Start by investing in your personal development and become an expert in one thing.
#432. Dad, does the price tag always determine greater pleasure? Credit Card, Debt, Delayed Gratification, Financial Freedom, Money, Simplicity, Spending / By We associate expensive things with greater enjoyment. Yet, a simple cheese sandwich at home can bring as much contentment as […]
#300. Dad, what is the definition of frugal? Character, Financial Freedom, Lifestyle, Simplicity / By Simply being thoughtful about your purchases.
#90. Dad, what is ingratitude? Gratitude, Happiness, Money, Time / By Ingratitude is when money only flows inward and never outward.
#411. Dad, why are small pleasures a big deal? Gratitude, Happiness, Humble, Lifestyle, Minimalism, Peace, Purpose, Simplicity / By We tend to prioritize rare and unique experiences, assuming they will bring greater happiness. However, small pleasures—like walking your dog, […]
#248. Dad, what does it feel like to be in debt? Debt, Delayed Gratification, Financial Freedom, Money, Spending / By Debt feels like having to run 10 miles to get to the starting line of a marathon. It is impossible […]