#162. Dad, I think I have become too comfortable with routine.By / Don’t live the same day over and over again and call it a life!
#250. Dad, what is akrasia? Lifestyle, Minimalism, Simplicity, Spending / By Akrasia is when you do one thing even though you know you should do something else. Like spending and saving.
#396. Dad, how do I master the art of “letting go?” Courage, Fear, Happiness, Peace, Resilience, Self Esteem / By If you would like to have a more peaceful life, it is powerful to understand what disturbs that peace. Practice […]
#414. Dad, what do you mean by “hoarding life”. Authentic, Delayed Gratification, Fear, Gratitude, Happiness, Peace, Self Esteem, Simplicity, Success, Wisdom / By Spending your days trying to get experiences “under your belt”, in an effort to maximise your collection of experiences. Placing […]
#51. Dad, what is the difference between thinking and doing? Accountability, Decisions, Habits, Leadership / By Thinking is relatively valueless unless it leads to doing. You can daydream about your goals, but until you start working […]
#339. Dad, how do I get through these dark days? Fear, Gratitude, Love / By The best way to combat stress and anxiety is to focus on one positive thought after another until you are […]
#132. Dad, is it important to have structure in your day? Character, Habits, Life Advice, Spending / By Having structure is important to get things done. Setting aside unstructured “thinking time” is just as important.