#93. Dad, tell me about eating in restaurantsBy / Eating at home is normal. Eating out is an expensive treat and should be done when there is a social benefit to it.
#37. Dad, what is financial resilience? Character, Money, Resilience / By Financial resilience is the ability to bounce back, adapt, learn and continue to put one foot in front of the […]
#148. Dad, why is personal finance not a topic of discussion at the dinner table? Financial Freedom, Money / By Most people are afraid to speak about personal finance because they are not comfortable speaking about something, they know very […]
#15. Dad, do you think that it is important to maintain an image, even if you cannot afford to do so? BLOG, Debt, Minimalism, Money / By Be authentic! Maintaining an image that your income cannot support goes against being authentic. You cannot pay your bills based […]
#31. Dad, may I buy anything I desire? Debt, Decisions, Money, Spending / By Yes. You can buy anything you desire – as long as you have saved for it first.
#92. Dad, how much debt do Canadian households owe? Debt, Money, Spending / By The level of consumer debt in Canada has been increasing for the past 30 years. Canadian households owe more than […]
#168. Dad, how can I avoid the payment syndrome? Debt, Money / By Learn to exercise self-control and delay purchases until you can pay in full, with cash.