#435. Dad, what defines a strong character in moments of adversity?By / Resilience, honesty, and the ability to choose values over convenience.
#425. Dad, when is ambition healthy versus harmful? Contentment, Delayed Gratification, Happiness, Humble, Kindness, Life Advice, Peace, Purpose, Self Care, Values / By Healthy ambition energizes you and aligns with your values. Harmful ambition depletes you and comes from needing to prove your […]
#431. Dad, what is the difference between values and beliefs? Authentic, Humble, Values, Wisdom / By Beliefs are what you think is true. Values are what you think is important
#83. Dad, is money bad? Money, Values / By Money is not good or bad. It is merely a vessel that allows us to live our lives according to […]
#71. Dad, what do I do when I am in doubt? Character, Decisions / By Visualize where you want to go and seed your life with the opportunity for change.
#293. Dad, what is financial puberty? Purpose, Values / By The discovery of your financial values relative to your financial independence.
#257. Dad, when do values matter? Character, Values / By Values matter the most when you really feel conflicted.