#71. Dad, what do I do when I am in doubt?By / Visualize where you want to go and seed your life with the opportunity for change.
#261.Dad, how do I manage my anger? Character, Kindness, Wisdom / By The more you understand someone, the less you can be angry with them.
#188. Dad, sometimes I really move fast and get lots done Decisions, Lifestyle, Motivation, Purpose / By It doesn’t matter how fast you move as long you are moving in a worthwhile direction.
#329. Dad, how do I make progress? Accountability, Decisions, Purpose / By Simply make decisions. Without making decisions, you will remain stagnant, lacklustre and unfocused.
#366. Dad, what is intellectual humility? Character, Humble, Leadership, Self Esteem, Success, Wisdom / By The art of questioning your own biases, beliefs and experiences.
#378. Dad, what are the signs of low self-awareness? Character, Humble, Leadership, Self Esteem / By Never admitting mistakes, criticizing others and being vague about your feelings.
#122. Dad, tell me about new experiences. Character, Happiness / By New experiences provide opportunities for new versions of ourselves to emerge.