#256. Dad, what does thanksgiving mean to you?By / Thanksgiving is my favourite holiday. It is a time for gratitude, reflection and celebration
#257. Dad, when do values matter? Character, Values / By Values matter the most when you really feel conflicted.
#359. Dad, how do I achieve my goals and focus on my values? Decisions, Humble, Purpose, Values, Wisdom / By You have to do both. Otherwise, your goals will not have any value.
#213. Dad, tell me about silence Character, Gratitude, Habits, Humble, Kindness, Leadership / By Silence helps us to eliminate distractions from our daily life.
#285. Dad, tell me about Remembrance Day Leadership, Peace, Values / By Remembrance day is a day to reflect and show gratitude to all those who served to protect us.
#380. Dad, what is justice? Character, Peace, Values, Wisdom / By Author Omid Safi wrote, “Justice is love, embodied. We cannot speak of love without linking it to justice, nor of […]
#350. Dad, how do I manage my guilt? Fear, Kindness, Love / By Guilt is self-hate. Self-hate destroys optimism. Be kind to yourself every day.