#426. Dad, how do you know if you are making decisions from fear or wisdom?By / Fear-based decisions feel rushed and constricting. Wisdom-based decisions feel grounded, peaceful, even challenging. Wisdom considers consequences while maintaining inner calm.
#439. Dad, tell me about large scale vs. intimate moments. Contentment, Gratitude, Kindness, Love, Peace, Self Care, Spending, Time / By We chase big life events—marriage, career milestones, exotic trips. Yet, the joy lies in everyday interactions: a shared smile, a […]
#17. Dad, what is the difference between rich people and wealthy people? Wisdom / By DAD: Rich people dream of money. Wealthy people dream of time, freedom, purpose and happiness.
#359. Dad, how do I achieve my goals and focus on my values? Decisions, Humble, Purpose, Values, Wisdom / By You have to do both. Otherwise, your goals will not have any value.
#389. Dad, what does it mean to ” burn your boat?” Decisions, Delayed Gratification, Fear / By Burning your boat is an act of courage that makes it impossible to return to an earlier situation.
#407. Dad, what is dyscalculia? Fear, Life Advice, Self Esteem / By Dyscalculia is a learning disorder that impacts a person’s math abilities, similar to dyslexia for reading
#107. Dad, why do we have to keep learning? Leadership, Life Advice, Purpose, Values, Wisdom / By Socrates believed he knew nothing and kept learning and discovering. We also know nothing. So, we have to keep learning.