#416. Dad , is there shame in weakness?By / We all have weaknesses and we achieve excellence with tremendous help from other people.
#22. Dad, how do I live a simple, uncluttered life? Fear, Generosity, Gratitude, Happiness / By Living a simpler, uncluttered life means a life that is not filled with constant busyness, worry and stress, but instead […]
#111. Dad, sometimes I judge people too quickly Character, Decisions, Fear, Humble, Kindness / By We all make snap judgements unconsciously. Try to observe, listen and understand before judging.
#55. Dad, why is it so awkward to talk about money when you are in a relationship? Debt, Financial Freedom, Love, Minimalism, Money, Spending / By It is awkward, but necessary, to talk about money with your loved ones. I suggest you speak often, keep the […]
#276. Dad, tell me about self doubt. Character, Habits, Risk / By It is the feeling of panic and anxiety at the idea of failure.
#239. Dad, you speak about “Quiet Leadership”. Character, Humble, Leadership / By Quiet leaders don’t raise their voices. They listen more than they speak.
#331. Dad, what is status anxiety? Credit Card, Debt, Delayed Gratification, Financial Freedom, Gratitude, Humble, Values / By It is the constant fear of being perceived as “unsuccessful” by society in terms of material wealth.