#394. Dad, what is the value of silence?By / Silence helps bring us back to a place of rest and clarity – away from the noise of the world
#12. Dad, does earning more money translate into more savings? Wisdom / By Lifestyle inflation is when you keep increasing your lifestyle as your income grows. That is why so many wealthy people […]
#268. Dad, what is emotional self-reliance? Accountability, Character, Fear, Happiness, Peace / By I like Mark Manson’s definition: “The ability to see one’s own flaws and be accountable for them.”
#262. Dad, what is a quick way to simplify my life? Lifestyle, Money, Simplicity, Time / By Identify what is most important to you. Eliminate everything else.
#80. Dad, what is the happiness fund? Happiness, Money, Simplicity, Spending / By Treat yourself if it brings you happiness. Enjoy your money with moderation. Balance is the key.
#200. Dad, I worry too much. Fear, Simplicity / By When you worry too much, it is easy to mistake your worries for reality, instead of recognizing that they are […]