#303. Dad, what is Nunchi?By / Nunchi is the art of picking up on the mood of any person or environment very quickly.
#342. Dad, can anger be useful? Character, Leadership, Passion, Values, Wisdom / By Anger can be useful when it is used to defend the innocent.
#240. Dad, when should I start to worry? Character, Decisions, Gratitude, Happiness, Humble / By DAD: Never. Worrying doesn’t change outcomes. Worrying ruins your day. Worrying distracts you from the work at hand.
#363. Dad, how do we become who we are? Character, Decisions, Habits, Life Advice, Success / By We become what we expose ourselves to – who we hang out with, what we listen to and how we […]
#136. Dad, what does it mean to be resourceful? Character, Delayed Gratification, Entrepreneurship, Motivation, Resilience / By It means being creative, rebellious, determined, and unstoppable. It means asking for help, but not waiting for help.
#177. Dad, I think I am successful because I achieve my goals. Habits, Humble, Motivation, Success / By If you view life as merely achieving goals, you will have the illusion of success.
#379. Dad, starting my business is a slow process. I want to quit. Decisions, Fear, Humble, Passion, Resilience / By Being an entrepreneur takes time. Quitting won’t speed it up.