#352. Dad, what should our priorities be during a pandemic?By / Our priorities should be our sanity, survival and safety of our loved ones
#40. Dad, uncle Ben told Spider-Man: “With great power comes great responsibility.” What does this mean? Character, Humble, Purpose / By Unfortunately, he had it backwards. When you accept responsibility, you give yourself power.
#313. Dad, criticism is difficult to handle. Fear, Humble, Self Esteem, Wisdom / By Criticism sparks discomfort. Viewing these feelings as data, not judgments, fosters openness to critique.
#335. Dad, how can I find consistency? Covid19, Habits, Leadership, Peace, Purpose / By Find consistency by focusing on what you can control and influence each day.
#278. Dad, do I need external validation to recognize my success? Gratitude, Purpose, Success / By Self-esteem and self-worth only come from the inside and other people’s validation should not matter
#306. Dad, what does it mean to embrace our vulnerabilities. Fear, Love, Risk / By It means being open to criticism while not feeling crushed by it.
#191. Dad, how should I teach? Kindness, Leadership, Purpose, Wisdom / By Empathy, understanding and positive encouragement are the foundations from which to teach people.