#228. Dad, what is EQ?By / DAD: EQ or emotional intelligence, is being able to recognize, understand and manage your emotions and the emotions of others.
#355.Dad, which people do you admire most? Covid19, Generosity, Humble, Kindness, Love, Wisdom / By The people I admire most are kind and generous and do what they can to make others feel truly seen.
#202. Dad, what is prayer? Gratitude, Humble, Peace, Wisdom / By Prayer is recognition that we can’t figure out this thing called life, on our own.
#191. Dad, how should I teach? Kindness, Leadership, Purpose, Wisdom / By Empathy, understanding and positive encouragement are the foundations from which to teach people.
#361. Dad, what is the status game? Wisdom / By Seeking status and looking rich is an expensive game to play. Participation isn’t required.
#201. Dad, how do I help people unconditionally? Wisdom / By DAD: Give the help you wish others would give you when you need help.
#5. Dad, how do I manage peer pressure? Wisdom / By Don’t become a prisoner of peer pressure. Your only regrets should be when you failed to lead with your values.