#178. Dad, how do I make changes in my life?By / Practice rituals and build habits one at a time and then let them build on one another.
#138. Dad, sometimes I feel I am busy all the time Covid19, Decisions, Minimalism, Simplicity, Time / By We are all busy. We’ve all taken on too much. Saying yes to less is the way out.
#123. Dad, how do I stay balanced? Decisions, Happiness, Humble, Motivation, Simplicity / By Balance is not about perfection. It’s about avoiding extremes.
#335. Dad, how can I find consistency? Covid19, Habits, Leadership, Peace, Purpose / By Find consistency by focusing on what you can control and influence each day.
#391. Dad, what is the “flywheel effect?” Habits, Motivation, Simplicity, Time / By When small wins build on top of each other over time, momentum will gradually build up and help each “cycle” […]
#43. Dad, why is complacency dangerous? Motivation, Passion, Purpose, Success / By Complacency forces you to stand still and not grow. The antidote to complacency is novelty and experimentation.
#235. Dad, tell me about taking action? Character, Motivation, Passion, Resilience / By DAD: Talking about doing something and actually doing it are two very different things