#166. Dad, how do I take control of my priorities?By / Try to create a life of choice around things that are important to you.
#274. Dad, how do I know if I am in love? Happiness, Love, Passion / By You will know because it’s deliberate and conscious. Love is an act, not a feeling.
#374. Dad, what is conditional happiness? Happiness, Peace, Self Esteem / By Conditional happiness is the shortest path to misery. I will be happy when I meet a specific outcome is not […]
#384. Dad, why do we get bored? Fear, Habits, Happiness, Love, Peace / By We get bored because we fail to see the beauty in the mundane. We forget to appreciate the simple things […]
#118. Dad, what is the external comparison trap? Character, Humble, Life Advice, Lifestyle, Minimalism / By Comparison makes us feel as if life is a race. The only benefit to comparison is inspiration.
#332. Dad, what does “living slow” mean? Delayed Gratification, Happiness, Lifestyle, Purpose / By Living slow means listening to your body and giving it the rest it deserves. It means refusing to reach a […]
#169. Dad, tell me about self compassion Kindness, Life Advice, Wisdom / By Finding compassion for others is easy but finding compassion for yourself is much harder.