#88. Dad, can you give me advice on getting my shit together?By / I suggest you don’t spend too much time on things that don’t matter and spend it with people that do.
#439. Dad, tell me about large scale vs. intimate moments. Contentment, Gratitude, Kindness, Love, Peace, Self Care, Spending, Time / By We chase big life events—marriage, career milestones, exotic trips. Yet, the joy lies in everyday interactions: a shared smile, a […]
#308. Dad, should I care what people think of my choices? Decisions, Happiness, Life Advice, Peace, Self Esteem / By Become good at not caring what irrelevant people think about you. Decide who belongs in the relevant bunch.
#277. Dad, can I always be perfectly happy? Happiness, Wisdom / By There is no magic bullet to happiness. There will always be discomfort and worry.
#342. Dad, can anger be useful? Character, Leadership, Passion, Values, Wisdom / By Anger can be useful when it is used to defend the innocent.
#74. Dad, how do I get through all my many tasks in a day? Character, Habits, Minimalism, Peace, Time, Wisdom / By It’s not about how much you do each day, but rather how you reduce the unessential very day. Less is […]
#275. Dad, what is a “peaceful life?” Life Advice, Peace, Simplicity / By A “peaceful life” is the removal of ongoing stress.