#160. Dad, is using too much technology bad?By / Research shows that too much technology use diminishes our mental and physical health and our relationships.
#375. Dad, what are negative thoughts? Fear, Love, Peace, Time / By Negative thoughts are the past trying to occupy the present and the future. These thoughts do not represent the present […]
#88. Dad, can you give me advice on getting my shit together? Habits, Happiness, Life Advice, Passion, Spending / By I suggest you don’t spend too much time on things that don’t matter and spend it with people that do.
#205. Dad, good time management is not easy. Habits, Time / By DAD: In order to improve your time management, you must first improve your habits.
#77. Dad, tell me about work. Habits, Happiness, Life Advice / By Avoid busy work. Enjoy focused work instead.
#120. Dad, I don’t have time to understand my personal finances. Debt, Financial Freedom, Time, Values / By What I’m hearing is that “I don’t want to make the time.” If it’s important to you then you will […]
#170. Dad, tell me about spending time with myself. Happiness, Motivation, Spending, Time / By Spending time by yourself allows you to hear your thoughts without distractions.