#345. Dad, what is the best average day for you?By / A low-stress day. Quality time with family and watching my favourite sports team.
#310. Dad, is there a cost to multitasking? Passion, Purpose, Time / By The biggest cost of doing multiple things at once is a gradual decline in your productivity and happiness.
#106. Dad, how do I move forward? Fear, Gratitude, Leadership, Passion, Wisdom / By Focus on the excitement of discovery, improvement and experimentation.
#262. Dad, what is a quick way to simplify my life? Lifestyle, Money, Simplicity, Time / By Identify what is most important to you. Eliminate everything else.
#90. Dad, what is ingratitude? Gratitude, Happiness, Money, Time / By Ingratitude is when money only flows inward and never outward.
#187. Dad, does everybody pray? Gratitude, Happiness, Humble, Love / By Everyone prays. The peace and love our hearts long for is our unspoken prayer.
#409. Dad, what is cognitive complexity? Empathy, Humble, Leadership, Self Esteem, Simplicity / By The more difficult a description or sentence is to understand, the more unappealing it becomes.