#119. Dad, how did decluttering make you feel?By / Decluttering allowed me to have more of what I love, and less of what I don’t.
#262. Dad, what is a quick way to simplify my life? Lifestyle, Money, Simplicity, Time / By Identify what is most important to you. Eliminate everything else.
#370. Dad, what is “uitwaaien?” Happiness, Humble, Lifestyle, Simplicity, YOLO / By “Uitwaaien” means to go out into nature as a way of clearing your mind.
#162. Dad, I think I have become too comfortable with routine. Decisions, Fear, Habits, Happiness, Minimalism, Passion / By Don’t live the same day over and over again and call it a life!
#414. Dad, what do you mean by “hoarding life”. Authentic, Delayed Gratification, Fear, Gratitude, Happiness, Peace, Self Esteem, Simplicity, Success, Wisdom / By Spending your days trying to get experiences “under your belt”, in an effort to maximise your collection of experiences. Placing […]
#408. Dad, what are Tara Beach’s areas of thought leadership? Character, Courage, Empathy, Gratitude, Happiness, Kindness, Purpose, Simplicity / By Meditation, emotional healing, spiritual awakening.
#412. Dad, tell me about famous vs unnoticed Authentic, Gratitude, Happiness, Humble, Lifestyle, Minimalism, Peace, Purpose, Spending, Time / By We are drawn to famous events and places, assuming they will be more delightful. Reading novel in the garden can […]