#49. Dad, what exactly does personal finance mean?By / Learning to budget, spend mindfully, and find a balance between seizing the day and saving for the future
#26. Dad, is the goal financial independence? Credit Card, Debt, Financial Freedom, Money, Wisdom / By It is important to recognize that your financial situation should be a side effect of pursuing a greater purpose. Financial […]
#190. Dad, sometimes I take the easy way out Decisions, Delayed Gratification, Habits, Success / By Whenever you take the easy way in favour of what’s right, you slowly destroy your character.
#44. Dad, when do most people over spend their income? Credit Card, Debt, Money, Spending / By DAD: Most people who overspend their income in one of three ways: Too much house, Too much car, Too much […]
#385. Dad, what does “eat the frog” mean? Decisions, Delayed Gratification, Life Advice, Motivation, Simplicity / By “Eat the frog” is a metaphor for tackling your most challenging tasks of the day – the ones you are […]
#358. Dad, what is the most important relationship I can have? Character, Covid19, Generosity, Happiness, Kindness, Self Esteem, Simplicity / By No relationship is more important than the relationship you have with yourself.
#328. Dad, what is Sitzfleisch ( sit-flesh)? Delayed Gratification, Motivation, Purpose, Resilience / By In German, if someone ‘has a lot of Sitzfleisch’, it means they can endure lengthy or boring tasks until the […]