#45. Dad, is money a valuable goal?By / Money should never be the goal. Money is a tool to help you accomplish your goals.
#199. Dad, what is “background stress?” Fear, Kindness, Life Advice, Self Esteem / By Background” stress is a constant and continuous level of stress brought about by too many life demands
#185. Dad, does spending less equate to less joy? Credit Card, Debt, Money, Simplicity / By On the contrary, spending less brings more joy.
#33.Dad, why should I make my bed first thing in the morning? Character, Habits, Life Advice, Success / By By making your bed in the morning, you knock-off your first accomplishment of the day. This puts you in a […]
#304. Dad, my finances are a mess. Accountability, BLOG, Debt, Money, Simplicity, Spending, Values / By Congratulations! You have taken the first step to acknowledging that you have a problem. The rest can be managed with […]
#85. Dad, what are the main financial challenges facing Millennials? Credit Card, Debt, Lifestyle, Money / By Most Millennials are weighed down by student debt, the high cost of housing and bleak career prospects.
#148. Dad, why is personal finance not a topic of discussion at the dinner table? Financial Freedom, Money / By Most people are afraid to speak about personal finance because they are not comfortable speaking about something, they know very […]