#437. Dad, how does credit card debt impact emotional well-being?By / Credit card debt creates stress and limits freedom. Financial responsibility brings peace of mind.
#83. Dad, is money bad? Money, Values / By Money is not good or bad. It is merely a vessel that allows us to live our lives according to […]
#65. Dad, is the goal to reduce debt? Debt, Minimalism, Money, Values / By Debt is not a goal. Debt is what is standing in the way.
#250. Dad, what is akrasia? Lifestyle, Minimalism, Simplicity, Spending / By Akrasia is when you do one thing even though you know you should do something else. Like spending and saving.
#81. Dad, what about spending money? Money, Simplicity, Spending, YOLO / By Being good with money does not mean you don’t spend it. And not spending does not make you good with […]
#212. Dad, can money buy a great life? Debt, Delayed Gratification, Generosity, Money, Purpose, Time / By DAD: The things that make life great can’t be bought. Money can only help extend your options.
#394. Dad, what is the value of silence? Peace, Simplicity, Wisdom / By Silence helps bring us back to a place of rest and clarity – away from the noise of the world