#406. Dad, what is the curse of knowledge?By / Once we know something, we assume everyone else knows it, too. There are always people to teach and people to learn from.
#228. Dad, what is EQ? Wisdom / By DAD: EQ or emotional intelligence, is being able to recognize, understand and manage your emotions and the emotions of others.
#134. Dad, how do I get excited every day? Character, Gratitude, Habits, Happiness, Purpose / By Each day is a blank canvas waiting for a splash of colour. Paint away and get excited by the beauty […]
#264. Dad, I feel overwhelmed. Decisions, Peace, Purpose / By Ask yourself what is the minimum I can do. Then, just do that.
#243. Dad, are rules sacred? Decisions, Life Advice, Success / By Rules are not sacred, principles are.
#154. Dad, how do I become a better version of myself? Character, Humble, Passion, Purpose, Spending / By You have to remain consistent, don’t strive for perfection and learn to say “No” more often.
#109. Dad, why should I be humble? Humble, Wisdom / By There’s so much about this life we do not understand.