#361. Dad, what is the status game?By / Seeking status and looking rich is an expensive game to play. Participation isn’t required.
#23. Dad, what do you mean when you say I should align my spending with my priorities? Wisdom / By Figure out your true hourly wage. Think of purchases in terms of how many hours you have to work to […]
#4. Dad, I am young and want to live and spend money like there is no tomorrow – YOLO Simplicity, Wisdom, YOLO / By It is important to balance preparing for the future and enjoy the present as long as you do not spend […]
#343. Dad, I focus too much on yesterday and tomorrow? Fear, Gratitude, Happiness, Wisdom / By Obsession with yesterday leads to regret and a constant focus on the future breeds anxiety.
#347. Dad, what is grace? Character, Covid19, Gratitude, Wisdom / By Grace is the ability to find peace regardless of your capacity to control your circumstances
#191. Dad, how should I teach? Kindness, Leadership, Purpose, Wisdom / By Empathy, understanding and positive encouragement are the foundations from which to teach people.
#261.Dad, how do I manage my anger? Character, Kindness, Wisdom / By The more you understand someone, the less you can be angry with them.