#186. Dad, what do you learn by watching sport? Character, Leadership / By Sport helps me to understand leadership, resilience, passion and instinct.
#432. Dad, does the price tag always determine greater pleasure? Credit Card, Debt, Delayed Gratification, Financial Freedom, Money, Simplicity, Spending / By We associate expensive things with greater enjoyment. Yet, a simple cheese sandwich at home can bring as much contentment as […]
#181. Dad, what should define me? Character, Humble, Passion / By If you are going to be defined by something, it might as well be something that you love.
#69. Dad, does having a budget mean no fun and all work. Financial Freedom, Habits, Money, Success / By Definitely not. A budget is a plan, so you can enjoy your favourite things responsibly.
#40. Dad, uncle Ben told Spider-Man: “With great power comes great responsibility.” What does this mean? Character, Humble, Purpose / By Unfortunately, he had it backwards. When you accept responsibility, you give yourself power.
#33.Dad, why should I make my bed first thing in the morning? Character, Habits, Life Advice, Success / By By making your bed in the morning, you knock-off your first accomplishment of the day. This puts you in a […]