#295, Dad, does money determine my worth?By / Your value and worth is not dictated by your money. Your worth is determined by your character.
#416. Dad , is there shame in weakness? Character, Empathy, Fear, Generosity, Humble, Love, Resilience, Risk / By We all have weaknesses and we achieve excellence with tremendous help from other people.
#276. Dad, tell me about self doubt. Character, Habits, Risk / By It is the feeling of panic and anxiety at the idea of failure.
#236. Dad, what should I talk about? Character, Gratitude, Happiness, Simplicity / By DAD: Talk about life, love, meaning, experiences, entrepreneurship. Be inquisitive, learn about people
#261.Dad, how do I manage my anger? Character, Kindness, Wisdom / By The more you understand someone, the less you can be angry with them.
#107. Dad, why do we have to keep learning? Leadership, Life Advice, Purpose, Values, Wisdom / By Socrates believed he knew nothing and kept learning and discovering. We also know nothing. So, we have to keep learning.
#330. Dad, How do I reinvent myself? Character, Fear, Motivation, Purpose, Resilience, Risk / By In order to become someone different, you must do something different.