#292. Dad, I am pretty hard on myself when I fail.By / It’s interesting that when others fail, we admire them for trying. Yet, when we fail, we beat ourselves up.
#306. Dad, what does it mean to embrace our vulnerabilities. Fear, Love, Risk / By It means being open to criticism while not feeling crushed by it.
#405. Dad, how do I relax in the chaos? Courage, Decisions, Fear, Habits, Peace, Purpose, Resilience / By Breathe deeply and slowly. Focus only on your breath and become comfortable with chaos.
#243. Dad, are rules sacred? Decisions, Life Advice, Success / By Rules are not sacred, principles are.
#48. Dad, what is success? Resilience, Success, Wisdom / By Success is the progressive realization of your goals.
#284. Dad, some people may not like what I have to say Character, Resilience, Risk / By Don’t hide your message because some people won’t like it.
#43. Dad, why is complacency dangerous? Motivation, Passion, Purpose, Success / By Complacency forces you to stand still and not grow. The antidote to complacency is novelty and experimentation.