#292. Dad, I am pretty hard on myself when I fail.By / It’s interesting that when others fail, we admire them for trying. Yet, when we fail, we beat ourselves up.
#398. Dad, how do I teach my children to be resilient? Courage, Empathy, Fear, Resilience / By Teaching resilience involves encouraging kids to face challenges, learn from failures, and persevere in the face of adversity. Lead by […]
#175. Dad, what does “Dulcius Ex Asperis” mean? Character, Success, YOLO / By This phrase means “Sweeter after difficulties” It reminds you that nothing good comes easily.
#416. Dad , is there shame in weakness? Character, Empathy, Fear, Generosity, Humble, Love, Resilience, Risk / By We all have weaknesses and we achieve excellence with tremendous help from other people.
#108. Dad, I am anxious about being judged by strangers. Character, Purpose, Resilience / By First, become aware of your own judgments of strangers.
#278. Dad, do I need external validation to recognize my success? Gratitude, Purpose, Success / By Self-esteem and self-worth only come from the inside and other people’s validation should not matter
#223. Dad, what is the Pygmalion Effect? Character, Happiness, Life Advice, Success / By DAD: The Pygmalion Effect is how the power of positive thinking can result in positive outcomes—just by changing your perspective.