#286. Dad, what is wabi-sabi?By / Wabi-sabi is the Japanese philosophy of embracing the beauty of imperfection.
#39.Dad, why does change freak people out? Character, Humble, Resilience / By Change takes you out of your comfort zone and makes you vulnerable. Being vulnerable is a sign of strength, not […]
#146. Dad, is education what you learn in school only? Success, Wisdom / By No. Education is the sum of your total knowledge. Everything from tying your shoes to understanding where you spend your […]
#421. Dad, how can you tell the difference between contentment and settling for less? Gratitude, Happiness, Peace, Simplicity / By Contentment brings peace while still allowing for growth. Settling creates resentment and requires suppressing your true desires. If you feel […]
#339. Dad, how do I get through these dark days? Fear, Gratitude, Love / By The best way to combat stress and anxiety is to focus on one positive thought after another until you are […]
#264. Dad, I feel overwhelmed. Decisions, Peace, Purpose / By Ask yourself what is the minimum I can do. Then, just do that.
#251. Dad, what are the three most harmful addictions? Character, Life Advice, Lifestyle, Peace / By Heroin, carbohydrates and a monthly salary.