#258. Dad, do I have to know everything?By / What matters is not how many things you know, but rather how well you know the things that matter.
#191. Dad, how should I teach? Kindness, Leadership, Purpose, Wisdom / By Empathy, understanding and positive encouragement are the foundations from which to teach people.
#225. Dad, what is Kaizen? Wisdom / By DAD: Kaizen means “perpetual incremental improvement,”. Doing small things a little bit better each day.
#202. Dad, what is prayer? Gratitude, Humble, Peace, Wisdom / By Prayer is recognition that we can’t figure out this thing called life, on our own.
#257. Dad, when do values matter? Character, Values / By Values matter the most when you really feel conflicted.
#348. Dad, how do I show up every day? Character, Covid19, Generosity, Humble / By Show up for yourself first, and then you will be in a strong position to show up for others.
#30. Dad, why do we make mistakes? Character, Resilience / By Mistakes are often the result of laziness or an obsession with perfection.