#216. Dad, how are money relationships learned?By / DAD: Good money habits starts at home. Most kids learn about their relationship with money from their parents.
#2. Dad, I bought this shoe that usually costs $300, on sale for $200, I saved $100. Wisdom / By You should consider whether you saved $100 or spent $300 on something you did not need.
#21. Dad, is it true that education is the key to financial success? Wisdom / By Education is not the key to financial success. Motivation is.
#403. Dad, what is the “do something principle?” Wisdom / By We often procrastinate because we are intimidated by our task. Make your task less intimidating by dividing it into small […]
#4. Dad, I am young and want to live and spend money like there is no tomorrow – YOLO Simplicity, Wisdom, YOLO / By It is important to balance preparing for the future and enjoy the present as long as you do not spend […]
#66. Dad, what do you expect to achieve each day? Happiness, Humble, Life Advice, Purpose, Values, Wisdom / By Each day I plan to live a little better, love a little bigger and breathe a little easier.