#122. Dad, tell me about new experiences.By / New experiences provide opportunities for new versions of ourselves to emerge.
#360. Dad, how can I be humble when I am in a conversation? Character, Humble, Kindness, Leadership / By Being humble is not being afraid to be naive. Allow the other person to teach you something new.
#416. Dad , is there shame in weakness? Character, Empathy, Fear, Generosity, Humble, Love, Resilience, Risk / By We all have weaknesses and we achieve excellence with tremendous help from other people.
#154. Dad, how do I become a better version of myself? Character, Humble, Passion, Purpose, Spending / By You have to remain consistent, don’t strive for perfection and learn to say “No” more often.
#315. Dad, what does Scrooge teach us about generosity? Generosity, Gratitude, Happiness, Humble, Kindness, Wisdom / By The generosity of spirit is far more important than giving money.
#162. Dad, I think I have become too comfortable with routine. Decisions, Fear, Habits, Happiness, Minimalism, Passion / By Don’t live the same day over and over again and call it a life!
#368. Dad, is winning the most important thing? Character, Humble, Love, Values / By Winning is not the only thing that matters — what you learn about yourself and life during the process, is far more […]