#370. Dad, what is “uitwaaien?” Happiness, Humble, Lifestyle, Simplicity, YOLO / By “Uitwaaien” means to go out into nature as a way of clearing your mind.
#116. Dad, how do I beat procrastination? Habits, Life Advice, Motivation / By Get better at two things: self- management and willpower
#405. Dad, how do I relax in the chaos? Courage, Decisions, Fear, Habits, Peace, Purpose, Resilience / By Breathe deeply and slowly. Focus only on your breath and become comfortable with chaos.
#242. Dad, what happens when I am not present? Gratitude, Habits, Happiness, Humble, Purpose, Simplicity / By By not being present, we scatter ourselves; and that scattering causes us to look for fulfillment in the wrong places.
#287. Dad, is change necessary? Fear, Life Advice, Resilience / By Yes. Without change, there would be no butterflies.
#294. Dad, what should I NOT feel guilty about? Character, Happiness, Values / By Staying true to your values, staying away from toxic people, and embracing change.