#75. Dad, is it OK to feel discomfort in a relationship?By / Discomfort is not the problem. Getting comfortable with perfection in a relationship is the problem
#222. Dad, is it OK to be wrong? Wisdom / By DAD: Yes. Accept the possibility that you will be wrong. Don’t be arrogant. Be curious.
#216. Dad, how are money relationships learned? Wisdom / By DAD: Good money habits starts at home. Most kids learn about their relationship with money from their parents.
#226. Dad, what is the “good life?” Wisdom / By DAD: Low stress. Good people around you. Being good everyday.
#21. Dad, is it true that education is the key to financial success? Wisdom / By Education is not the key to financial success. Motivation is.
#48. Dad, what is success? Resilience, Success, Wisdom / By Success is the progressive realization of your goals.