#52. Dad, does a high paying job mean zero financial stress?By / Financial stress is not measured by how much you earn, rather by how much you save and spend.
#28. Dad, what is delayed gratification? Debt, Delayed Gratification, Simplicity, Spending / By Giving up temptation for long term benefit.
#25. Dad, what is the key to early retirement? Debt, Delayed Gratification, Financial Freedom, Money, Simplicity, Spending / By The key to early retirement lies with savings, not income – regardless of how much money you make.
#415. Dad, what is fear? Courage, Fear, Gratitude, Kindness, Peace / By Dad, what is fear? Fear is just the imagination getting out of control
#439. Dad, tell me about large scale vs. intimate moments. Contentment, Gratitude, Kindness, Love, Peace, Self Care, Spending, Time / By We chase big life events—marriage, career milestones, exotic trips. Yet, the joy lies in everyday interactions: a shared smile, a […]
#106. Dad, how do I move forward? Fear, Gratitude, Leadership, Passion, Wisdom / By Focus on the excitement of discovery, improvement and experimentation.
#347. Dad, what is grace? Character, Covid19, Gratitude, Wisdom / By Grace is the ability to find peace regardless of your capacity to control your circumstances