#403. Dad, what is the “do something principle?”By / We often procrastinate because we are intimidated by our task. Make your task less intimidating by dividing it into small steps and focus only on the next step. Action creates traction, so each step you take will facilitate the next.
#359. Dad, how do I achieve my goals and focus on my values? Decisions, Humble, Purpose, Values, Wisdom / By You have to do both. Otherwise, your goals will not have any value.
#107. Dad, why do we have to keep learning? Leadership, Life Advice, Purpose, Values, Wisdom / By Socrates believed he knew nothing and kept learning and discovering. We also know nothing. So, we have to keep learning.
#164. Dad, tell me about reading Life Advice, Purpose, Wisdom / By Reading allows you to see the world more clearly.
#347. Dad, what is grace? Character, Covid19, Gratitude, Wisdom / By Grace is the ability to find peace regardless of your capacity to control your circumstances
#386. Dad, what is “Mudita?” Generosity, Gratitude, Happiness, Humble, Kindness, Love, Wisdom / By “Mudita?” is the principle of taking sympathetic or unselfish joy in the good fortune of others.
#75. Dad, is it OK to feel discomfort in a relationship? Wisdom / By Discomfort is not the problem. Getting comfortable with perfection in a relationship is the problem