#154. Dad, how do I become a better version of myself?By / You have to remain consistent, don’t strive for perfection and learn to say “No” more often.
#425. Dad, when is ambition healthy versus harmful? Contentment, Delayed Gratification, Happiness, Humble, Kindness, Life Advice, Peace, Purpose, Self Care, Values / By Healthy ambition energizes you and aligns with your values. Harmful ambition depletes you and comes from needing to prove your […]
#30. Dad, why do we make mistakes? Character, Resilience / By Mistakes are often the result of laziness or an obsession with perfection.
#186. Dad, what do you learn by watching sport? Character, Leadership / By Sport helps me to understand leadership, resilience, passion and instinct.
#57. Dad, what is financial awareness? Humble, Minimalism, Purpose, Values / By Recognizing the state of your finances when making financial decisions by not allowing your emotions to get the better of […]
#64. Dad, what is the external comparison trap? Happiness, Humble, Minimalism / By Comparison makes us feel as if life is a race. The only conceivable benefit to comparison is inspiration.
#188. Dad, sometimes I really move fast and get lots done Decisions, Lifestyle, Motivation, Purpose / By It doesn’t matter how fast you move as long you are moving in a worthwhile direction.