#116. Dad, how do I beat procrastination?By / Get better at two things: self- management and willpower
#164. Dad, tell me about reading Life Advice, Purpose, Wisdom / By Reading allows you to see the world more clearly.
#418. Dad, how do I balance being a supportive parent and allowing my children to learn from their mistakes? Habits, Happiness, Leadership, Love, Peace, Resilience, Wisdom / By Balancing support and autonomy is key. Offer guidance and encouragement, but also give them space to make decisions and learn […]
#166. Dad, how do I take control of my priorities? Decisions, Happiness, Life Advice / By Try to create a life of choice around things that are important to you.
#189. Dad, tell me about being quiet Motivation, Simplicity / By Knowing how to be quiet teaches you how to formulate your thoughts. The quiet unhurried mind understands the most.
#137. Dad, should I fear the unknown? Character, Motivation, Passion, Success / By The unknown should not feared. It is merely something you’ve yet to experience.
#283. Dad, do I only improve by moving forward? Habits, Life Advice, Resilience / By Eliminating mistakes is an under-appreciated way to improve.