#61. Dad, why do most parents spend so much money on lavish birthdays for their kids?By / Many people forget that birthday celebrations are about people and moments rather than gifts and stuff.
#4. Dad, I am young and want to live and spend money like there is no tomorrow – YOLO Simplicity, Wisdom, YOLO / By It is important to balance preparing for the future and enjoy the present as long as you do not spend […]
#236. Dad, what should I talk about? Character, Gratitude, Happiness, Simplicity / By DAD: Talk about life, love, meaning, experiences, entrepreneurship. Be inquisitive, learn about people
#336. Dad, what is the law of “diminishing gratitude?” Gratitude, Happiness, Purpose, Simplicity, Time / By When you take everyday blessings for granted.
#323. Dad, I am happy with the current version of myself. Gratitude, Happiness, Purpose, Risk, Self Esteem / By If you are happy with the current version of yourself, perhaps the question to ask is: How can I be […]
#94. Dad, is there such a thing as sustained happiness? Gratitude, Happiness, Kindness, Peace / By Day-in-and-day-out joy is something that many of us never truly find. The best life you can build is to regularly […]
#73. Dad, what is progress? Delayed Gratification, Gratitude, Habits, Humble, Success, Time / By Progress is about getting better every day. Success comes after that.