#299. Dad, how do I impress others?By / Living an authentic life where you are genuinely true to yourself every single day will impress others.
#338. Dad, why do some people avoid happiness? Gratitude, Happiness / By Some people avoid happiness because they fail to be grateful for the little things.
#294. Dad, what should I NOT feel guilty about? Character, Happiness, Values / By Staying true to your values, staying away from toxic people, and embracing change.
#345. Dad, what is the best average day for you? Gratitude, Simplicity, Time / By A low-stress day. Quality time with family and watching my favourite sports team.
#235. Dad, tell me about taking action? Character, Motivation, Passion, Resilience / By DAD: Talking about doing something and actually doing it are two very different things
#314. Dad, what is a “fault finder?” Humble, Kindness, Resilience, Risk / By Somebody who finds fault in everything, complains regularly and does not provide a solution
#344. Dad, some people take pleasure in making me feel bad. Character, Happiness / By Successful, happy and emotionally balanced people don’t have time to shit on other people. Always be kind.