#331. Dad, what is status anxiety?By / It is the constant fear of being perceived as “unsuccessful” by society in terms of material wealth.
#412. Dad, tell me about famous vs unnoticed Authentic, Gratitude, Happiness, Humble, Lifestyle, Minimalism, Peace, Purpose, Spending, Time / By We are drawn to famous events and places, assuming they will be more delightful. Reading novel in the garden can […]
#213. Dad, tell me about silence Character, Gratitude, Habits, Humble, Kindness, Leadership / By Silence helps us to eliminate distractions from our daily life.
#148. Dad, why is personal finance not a topic of discussion at the dinner table? Financial Freedom, Money / By Most people are afraid to speak about personal finance because they are not comfortable speaking about something, they know very […]
#192. Dad, what do I do after I make a mistake? Humble, Resilience, Success / By Mistakes are normal. Focus on what you need to do to get better and move on.
#345. Dad, what is the best average day for you? Gratitude, Simplicity, Time / By A low-stress day. Quality time with family and watching my favourite sports team.
#105. Dad, what is the “30-day rule!” Credit Card, Debt, Delayed Gratification, Financial Freedom / By When making large purchases, use this rule to decide whether the item is a need or a want.