#120. Dad, I don’t have time to understand my personal finances.By / What I’m hearing is that “I don’t want to make the time.” If it’s important to you then you will find the time.
#148. Dad, why is personal finance not a topic of discussion at the dinner table? Financial Freedom, Money / By Most people are afraid to speak about personal finance because they are not comfortable speaking about something, they know very […]
#100. Dad, what is identity confusion? Decisions, Purpose, Values, Wisdom / By When your spending behaviour contradicts your values and goals.
#318. Dad, should I react to every conversation? Decisions, Humble, Life Advice, Time, Wisdom / By Silent acknowledgment works better when people are venting.
#311. Dad, sometimes I feel lost Fear, Love, Peace, Values / By You may feel lost, but you are not alone. Ask for help and let go of the idea that you […]
#54. Dad, tell me about being good with money and spending. Financial Freedom, Lifestyle, Money, Spending / By Being good at money does not mean you don’t spend it; and not spending it does not make you good […]
#437. Dad, how does credit card debt impact emotional well-being? Contentment, Credit Card, Financial Freedom, Money, Peace, Spending / By Credit card debt creates stress and limits freedom. Financial responsibility brings peace of mind.