#298. Dad, why can I always not get what I want?By / Sometimes not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck.
#91. Dad, what is a credit card? Credit Card, Delayed Gratification, Money, Spending / By A credit card is money that does not belong to you. It is not free, and the longer you take […]
#184. Dad, how do you prioritize? Motivation, Purpose, Spending, Time / By I always get the important stuff done first and don’t waste time on stupid shit!
#120. Dad, I don’t have time to understand my personal finances. Debt, Financial Freedom, Time, Values / By What I’m hearing is that “I don’t want to make the time.” If it’s important to you then you will […]
#271. Dad, what is Karma? BLOG, Delayed Gratification, Humble, Resilience / By Is it true that the universe restores moral order by rewarding and punishing people based on their past actions? Karma: […]
#332. Dad, what does “living slow” mean? Delayed Gratification, Happiness, Lifestyle, Purpose / By Living slow means listening to your body and giving it the rest it deserves. It means refusing to reach a […]
#160. Dad, is using too much technology bad? Covid19, Habits, Risk, Time / By Research shows that too much technology use diminishes our mental and physical health and our relationships.