#297. Dad, is personal finance all about money?By / Personal finance is about values, habits and mindset and not only about money.
#26. Dad, is the goal financial independence? Credit Card, Debt, Financial Freedom, Money, Wisdom / By It is important to recognize that your financial situation should be a side effect of pursuing a greater purpose. Financial […]
#354. Dad, how has social distancing impacted you? Covid19, Habits, Motivation / By Social distancing has increased my screen time, decreased my energy and increased my snacking.
#391. Dad, what is the “flywheel effect?” Habits, Motivation, Simplicity, Time / By When small wins build on top of each other over time, momentum will gradually build up and help each “cycle” […]
#365. Dad, is the goal to be perfect? Decisions, Habits, Humble, Purpose, Wisdom / By The goal is not to be perfect. The goal is to be better than before.
#100. Dad, what is identity confusion? Decisions, Purpose, Values, Wisdom / By When your spending behaviour contradicts your values and goals.
#262. Dad, what is a quick way to simplify my life? Lifestyle, Money, Simplicity, Time / By Identify what is most important to you. Eliminate everything else.