#296. Dad, why do you prefer experiences rather than gifts?By / I am not against gifts. I simply prefer something that has meaning or memories, instead of stuff.
#231. Dad. What is your favourite Carl Jung quote? Character, Happiness, Life Advice, Peace, Success / By DAD: “The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.”
#76. Dad, should I start to invest? Happiness, Minimalism, Money / By Start by investing in your personal development and become an expert in one thing.
#438. Dad, how do I navigate conversations about mental health with my children? Courage, Health, Kindness, Peace, Self Care, Self Esteem, Trust / By Approach these conversations with empathy, openness, and honesty. Create a safe space for them to share their thoughts and feelings, […]
#244. Dad, how do I tell my inner critic to f**k off? Decisions, Gratitude, Happiness, Humble / By Start the day by being true to yourself and trust your gut.
#399. Dad, what is Tsundoku (積ん読) Character, Gratitude, Happiness, Simplicity / By Tsundoku (積ん読) is a beautiful Japanese word describing the habit of acquiring books but letting them pile up without reading […]
#241. Dad, what is the meaning of life? Happiness, Kindness, Life Advice, Purpose, Success / By DAD: Whatever you want it to be.